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Hawker 800 — - Fire!!

Hawker 800 —




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What happened here? Did you take this yourself?
Carlos Bea
Two previous aborts, without allowing the brakes to cool, lead to it in SNA. Minimum time required is 25 minutes for the 1st abort below 90 knots & 45 minutes after the second. Beyond 90 requires an inspection.

In the pilots defense, an in depth discussion of "wait times" does not occur much during many initials. I received none during my Learjet initial eons ago. I also was NOT told that, in Learjets at least, an abort at any speed requires replacement of all four tires since they loose certification. That information is found in the maintenance manual. How is a pilot supposed to know that if the information is not provided?
That's a sad thing to see. I hope the plane wasn't too badly damaged.
Tom Harlan
incident report...



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