71 투표수 (4.69 평균) 및 16,360 조회수  

Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N9972)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N9972)



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Great shot!
Good ol' Doc!
Ronnie B.
Chad Hudock
As one of the Charter members of the Cleveland based United States Aviation Museum, it's grand to see Doc in the air. We started the job here many years ago, and I'm glad that someone picked up the torch and carried it to completion.
Don Lynch
I don't know about the five stars, I'm not sure if I voted for a great shot or that plane. But five stars it is.
My late father-in-law, Lt.Col. Ernest E. Booth, flew these during the Korean conflict. Beautiful bomber!
The Warbirds have such elegant design.
Always love seeing photos of these great WWI era bombers. Outstanding photo.
very good plane
Erwin, the B-29 is not WW1 era but WW2 era.
Nate Rasband
Glad its back in the skies where it belongs
doug ogle
Beautiful take off image of Doc. Nicely done Bernadeta. You have a good eye!
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