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Beechcraft Super King Air 200 (C-FKBU) - Poor little Super King Air 200 is dwarfed by a FedEx A306 as both wait to take off on Rwy 34
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Beechcraft Super King Air 200 (C-FKBU)


Poor little Super King Air 200 is dwarfed by a FedEx A306 as both wait to take off on Rwy 34


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Don't worry. The A306 is not hungry.
Out of my way little man!
lol the tail barely reaches the nose cone of that A300
Maybe he's pulling him like they do in East L.A. maybe the big one is pushing him.
Jesse Carroll
Uhhhh.you need a push little guy??????
Jesse Carroll
Uhhh FedX A360 cleared for takeoff as soon as the tug is cleared of runway 34!
yum yum yum yum ..
Haha the super king air seems huge at municipal airports
Just as well the B200 doesn't have "wing mirrors"...
I'd be quite happy to fly King Airs... :)
Sean Keehner
Well....it is really true for all men....size really matters!!!
Theo Baudry
do you even generate lift?
start small think big!
monty harris
Objects in your mirror are larger than they appear.
Nate Rasband
Wow, and yet the king air in real life is kinda big....
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 C-FKBU에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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2025년 2월 5일 UnknownIqaluit, Nunavut 근처Iqaluit () First seen 16:56 EST 17:03 EST 0:07
2025년 2월 5일 UnknownIqaluit ()Iqaluit, Nunavut 근처 08:46 EST Last seen 08:58 EST 0:11
2025년 2월 1일 UnknownIqaluit, Nunavut 근처Iqaluit () First seen 11:58 EST 14:02 EST 2:03
2025년 1월 29일 UnknownIqaluit, Nunavut 근처Iqaluit () First seen 15:24 EST 15:34 EST 0:10
2025년 1월 27일 UnknownIqaluit, Nunavut 근처Iqaluit, Nunavut 근처 First seen 12:23 EST Last seen 12:42 EST 0:18
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