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CURTISS Commando (N78774) - 1944 C-46F
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CURTISS Commando (N78774)


1944 C-46F


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Roy Hunte
What is that hole under the nose for?
Great detail shot BTW.
Salute to those 2 Flags.
Mark Thomas
Photon torpedoes!
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
The aircraft originally had a gasoline powered apu under the cockpit floor to charge the batteries and start the engines, as it was operating from really primitive airfields. Later this was moved to a shelf on the blukhead at the fore end of the cargo compartment.

some say its for avionics and cabin ventilation...depends who you ask
Roy Hunte
Thanks sam!
Mark Thomas
Not photon torpedoes...
Paul Liu
Aah, C-46, one of my favor WWII cargo plane. This work horse transported fuel, ammunition and food from India to China during the WWII. I flew it one time when I was a kid back in Taiwan when it was the backbone of Taiwanese air force transport unit. Rugged, strong, tough and loud.
Dave Sheehy
11 Camels?
11 trips over the "Hump" Dave.
Dave Sheehy
Thanks Jim!
or he just has his gob (mouth) open taking in some air.lol
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