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MIKOYAN MiG-17 (N217SH) - 1960 LIM-5br /Photo credit to pilot of MiG-17PF Randy w. Ball<br><br>At 15-20 ft altitude and at .93M, well over 600 MPH, you can clearly see the shock wave being pushed in front of the jet in the grass, much like the wave a ship pushes ahead of it. Look closely and you can see the grass rolling over just like a wave... go much faster and the jet passes that wave and you would hear a sonic boom and the jet would be supersonic...<br>...and yes, thats fast!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체



1960 LIM-5
Photo credit to pilot of MiG-17PF Randy w. Ball<br><br>At 15-20 ft altitude and at .93M, well over 600 MPH, you can clearly see the shock wave being pushed in front of the jet in the grass, much like the wave a ship pushes ahead of it. Look closely and you can see the grass rolling over just like a wave... go much faster and the jet passes that wave and you would hear a sonic boom and the jet would be supersonic...<br>...and yes, thats fast!


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Adam Loader
Hope he's not trying to land it!!
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
High speed pass at an airshow
That is a great pic, thanks for sharing.
Gavin Hughes
Incredible flying and photo of it.
Great picture and nice write up
Eric Stein
Awesome pic!! We have Randy Bell and his Mig 17 scheduled for our airshow this year! If you are in the area in November look me up. www.stuartairshow.com
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
Randy has 2 mig17s, is the PF gonna be there or the regualr one?
Eric Stein
Typo on my part should have been Randy Ball and I believe the F is scheduled and will fly in Friday Night Airshow!!
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
The night show is amazing. Glow of the afterburner on the natural metal is unique
unbelievable photograph, thank you for sharing and for the notes
Alex Araujo
Watching your photo gallery for a while, great body of work! Check out Tomas Del Coro's photos...
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
William, thanks for the compliment. I have some older photographs I'll be uploading soon. Some B/W and some from airshows in the 1990s scanned from my photograph collection before the digital era.
Anton Nel
Great shot and some gutsy flying!
ken kemper
Just an awesome photo Sam.

Used to see A-7 Corsair 2’s at the Hardwood Bombing Range in WI come screeching in...I would say 500-600 mph on the deck.

Great Photo Sam
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N217SH에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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