39 투표수 (4.79 평균) 및 11,961 조회수  

BOEING 747-8 (HL7631)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

BOEING 747-8 (HL7631)



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nice pic
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Colton!!
was a sunny departure after heavy rain!
brian dubey
When I was under contract for working in South Korea from 1985 until 1989 the travel for the contract required us to fly with Korean Airline. At the time the only flight was out of New York City JFK airport. The Boeing 747 flight left at 6pm friday and arrived around 5 am on Sunday. It was a non stop flight. Best part of flight was that is was business class and the food was great. And that flight taught me how to master the use of chop sticks too
Curtis Smith
Nice shot! I like the angle of the aircraft, and the contrast in colors.
C.W. Reed
Perfect lighting/shadow! Danke, Uwe!
Beautiful pic of a beautiful bird! I wish Korean Airlines would change their livery, it seems old and stale. They can do better. I'm glad their safety record is great now. I wouldn't have flown with them years ago with all of their avoidable deadly accidents.
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Curtis!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you C.W., will do my best!!
greetings Uwe!!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Michael.
Korean color is oldschool but a very nice one!!
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 HL7631에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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