22 투표수 (4.29 평균) 및 25,447 조회수  

Boeing 737-900 (N461AS) - Alaska Airlines # 855 morning departure, off 30R to HNL  City of San Jose skyline  07-07-2015
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Boeing 737-900 (N461AS)


Alaska Airlines # 855 morning departure, off 30R to HNL City of San Jose skyline 07-07-2015


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Excellent head on takeoff shot! Seen in Daily Newsletter!
Clement [email protected]Photo Uploader
Thank You .. Even though I was NOT even on airport property, I was challenged by police, because they had received telephone calls and I was shooting from (De La Cruz Blvd - Highway US 101) overpass .. In the end .. it was "Ok" ... (flashing Media Credentials helps) I was actually looking down 12L to get this shot of the aircraft coming up off of 30R for departure.
Mark Thomas
It's a fantastic shot Clement although I must admit when I first saw it I thought someone had uploaded a Screenshot from a Flightsim! Is it just a trick of foreshortening or do those buildings factor into the approach?
Clement [email protected]Photo Uploader
Mark .. The buildings are consistently over flown ON FINAL .. that is THE REAL down town SAN JOSE in the background .. I have only ever, put up one aircraft image that IS NOT of an actual operational aircraft.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N461AS에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
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2025년 2월 11일 B739시애틀 터코마 국제공항 ()조지 부시 인터콘티넨털 공항 () 10:11 PST 16:26 CST 예정됨
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2025년 2월 1일 B739Lic. Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Int'l ()존 F. 케네디 국제공항 () 16:29 CST 21:59 EST 4:29
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2025년 1월 30일 B739앵커리지 테드 스티븐스 국제공항 ()시애틀 터코마 국제공항 () 08:36 AKST 12:29 PST 2:53
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