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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N677F) - NCAR Research Aviation Facility Aug. 2, 2014 Open House The NSF/NCAR HIAPER is a highly-modified Gulfstream V business jet that has unique capabilities that set it apart from other research aircraft. It can reach 51,000 feet (15,500 meters), enabling scientists to collect data at the tops of storms and the lower edge of the stratosphere. With a range of about 7,000 miles (11,265 kilometers), it can track atmospheric particles across the oceans or reach the South Pole from bases in South America or New Zealand.br /br /Such attributes, plus the ability to carry 5,600 pounds (2,540 kilograms) of state-of-the-art sensors, mean that HIAPER will be on the forefront of scientific discovery. Scientists will be able to probe the upper edges of hurricanes and thunderstorms in unprecedented detail, determining the dynamics that drive these powerful storms. The aircraft enables researchers to study pivotal chemical processes high above Earth that affect global temperatures.
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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N677F)


NCAR Research Aviation Facility Aug. 2, 2014 Open House The NSF/NCAR HIAPER is a highly-modified Gulfstream V business jet that has unique capabilities that set it apart from other research aircraft. It can reach 51,000 feet (15,500 meters), enabling scientists to collect data at the tops of storms and the lower edge of the stratosphere. With a range of about 7,000 miles (11,265 kilometers), it can track atmospheric particles across the oceans or reach the South Pole from bases in South America or New Zealand.

Such attributes, plus the ability to carry 5,600 pounds (2,540 kilograms) of state-of-the-art sensors, mean that HIAPER will be on the forefront of scientific discovery. Scientists will be able to probe the upper edges of hurricanes and thunderstorms in unprecedented detail, determining the dynamics that drive these powerful storms. The aircraft enables researchers to study pivotal chemical processes high above Earth that affect global temperatures.


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활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N677F에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 1월 29일 GLF5Colorado Sprgs Muni ()Rocky Mtn Metropolitan () 14:33 MST 16:26 MST 1:52
2025년 1월 29일 GLF5Rocky Mtn Metropolitan ()Colorado Sprgs Muni () 13:10 MST 14:05 MST 0:55
2025년 1월 27일 GLF5Phoenix-Mesa Gateway ()Rocky Mtn Metropolitan () 10:39 MST 12:30 MST 1:50
2025년 1월 25일 GLF5Phoenix, AZ 근처Phoenix-Mesa Gateway () 12:18 MST 12:26 MST 0:08
2025년 1월 25일 GLF5Flagstaff Pulliam ()Phoenix-Mesa Gateway () 11:46 MST 12:17 MST 0:30
2025년 1월 25일 GLF5Phoenix-Mesa Gateway ()Flagstaff Pulliam () 09:55 MST 11:16 MST 1:20
2025년 1월 24일 GLF5Phoenix-Mesa Gateway ()Phoenix-Mesa Gateway () 16:02 MST 17:29 MST 1:27
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