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Short SD3-60 (N366MQ)
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Short SD3-60 (N366MQ)



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Lewis Tripp
Flew on them quite a few times some years ago.
Phil Brooks
That is one clean ramp!
When we first worked the Shorts 330 at ORD, years ago, we referred to them as "the box the Winnebago came in".
Flying around, wearing Short pants...
Mike Boote
I always called those flying bathtubs! Great to fly on, though, Used to fly them out of DFW.
jim sink
Got a lot a time in that very plane with Simmons airline. I recall flying around the upper Midwest middle of winter five to six legs a day no A/P, non pressurized with blankets around our legs to keep from freezing. Flying that plane with the most sophisticated instrument being the flight director really meant you had to be a sharp instrument pilot.
Great comments Jim! Reminds me of flying the F27 in NSW (Australia). No FD. But I must admit we had a basic autopilot and 4.0psi Diff pressurization. Also the F27 handled winter ice tolerably well. Min. IAS in icing was 140kts as I recall.
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1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N366MQ에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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