22 투표수 (4.68 평균) 및 6,031 조회수  

Boeing 757-200 (00-9001) - Unmarked save a discreet US flag below the rear windows (not visible in this image) this Boeing C32B “Gatekeeper” – probably with 150th Special Operations Squadron, and possibly 00-9001 – at YOW.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Boeing 757-200 (00-9001)


Unmarked save a discreet US flag below the rear windows (not visible in this image) this Boeing C32B “Gatekeeper” – probably with 150th Special Operations Squadron, and possibly 00-9001 – at YOW.


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Hey Aaron, I have seen some of these special mission all white 757's paint the tail number very discreetly on the wing-body fairing just aft of the wing in very faint very light grey. Very hard to see in certain lighting / shadow's. If you get another chance to get this close, you may want to check there. Thanks for posting!
adh1Photo Uploader
Thanks John. I re-examined my images and she's devoid of any markings other than the US flag below windows 7 and 8 in the last bank of windows on both sides of the fuselage.
Barry Witte
A similar looking plane, definitely a 757 without any markings, was doing pattern work at KALB earlier this week. It did not show up on either this site's tracking or the other site with "...24" in its name.
Part of the 486th Flight Test Squadron
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