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McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N801WA) - At Maho Beach, SXM
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McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N801WA)


At Maho Beach, SXM


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Awesome! Face to face.
Gavin Hughes
If that doesn't get your attention, nothing will! As BigAlOutWest says, Awesome!
Great picture!!
Incredible Maho Beach.Great photo!Merits 5 stars and more.
Now that's just an incredible and well-taken pic!!
daniel jef
Good picture beeks love it meng!!!!
BeecksPhoto Uploader
Thank you allll!!!
Great shot!!! 5*!
I remember driving to DTW, trying to find the rental car drop off, and somehow ended up at the end of a runway, outside the fence, obviously, but looked right, and saw a 747 just clearing the wheels from the runway, and I swear they took off long, because it was a damned surprising and shocking sight. I actually ducked.

I think they enlarged the fences, post 9/11, because I can't find that same angle. It was 'interesting'... =8-0
ken kemper

I must say.....the Best Pic of the Week / and there was a lot of comepetition this week.

Well Done !!
Peter Sayers
Great Picture. Just like being there.
Kevin Popeck
Just a great picture. You did one heck of a job capturing that take-off.
One of the nicest airliner ever, beautiful picture
C'est quoi la compagnie ?
Great shot.
Sweet airplane, better venue.
Joe Wood
Flying the Mad Dog. Fastest way to captain. Just a gr8 shot sir! That would be a great wall cover in the man cave.
BeecksPhoto Uploader
Thank you guys really appreciate the encouraging comments
Kris Akerley
A departure from runway 28 for once. How often does that happen there. Nice.
BeecksPhoto Uploader
Haha it does Kris once requested & if you are willing to wait sometimes in upwards of 10 minutes for a runway 28 departure these days because air traffic is at a standstill at Juliana due to Covid-19 You Can Have It Your Way like Burger King with absolutely no waiting time.
May be the best action shot of a 'Mad Dog' - ever!
Amir Begloei
Crazy wild shot!!!
Will F
This must have been loud!
BeecksPhoto Uploader
Thanks Guys

Yes it was Will F, it was loud & windy at the same time with me feeling the blast after it flew over at a very low altitude. :-)
Spectacular Shot!
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