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VOUGHT-SIKORSKY V-166 Corsair — - After the photo flight I was privilaged to get a ride in her
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After the photo flight I was privilaged to get a ride in her


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Bill A
What a beauty -- 5-star shot
Eric Kennard
An exceptional photo of an exceptional plane
Is this a Corsair?
Absolutely beautiful!
ken kemper
Superb Photo William..........

what a view
Kerry Ahearn
Love that profile! Nice shot.
William File
Not sure I could fly her, but she is absolutely one of the most beautiful planes in the air! Excellent shot!
This high-schooler sat in an apparently abandoned Corsair at Cecil Field, Florida—1960?
The only airplane with a GULL WING & the navy had it. Unless I an wrong, this is the plane used in the TV series "BLACK SHEEP"
Jeff Pelton
Beautiful. Always have been a Corsair fan. Even before the TV series..

Oh for the kids, mid 1970's. Aired along with the original Battlestar Galactica.
Art Troutman
sunglasses "Is this a Corsair?" you ask. That's what the caption says!
Per Joe Baugher this aircraft is a "Vought-Sikorksy F4U-5NL Corsair, BuNo 124560 to Honduras AF as FAH-601. Still flying as NX4901W, later N4901W. Was in flyable condition with Alan Preston of Dallas, TX."

Regarding the TV series, this from Wikipedia:

"Baa Baa Black Sheep (later syndicated as Black Sheep Squadron) is a period military television series that aired on NBC from 1976 until 1978. Its premise was based on the experiences of United States Marine Corps aviator Greg Boyington and his World War II "Black Sheep Squadron" [VMA-214]. The series was created and produced by Stephen J. Cannell. The opening credits read: "In World War II, Marine Corps Major Greg 'Pappy' Boyington commanded a squadron of fighter pilots. They were a collection of misfits and screwballs who became the terrors of the South Pacific. They were known as the Black Sheep."

And since VMA-214 flew Corsairs that is what they used in the TV show.
Tim Nissly
Great aircraft! Great shot!
That's an awesome photo. Getting a ride in her must have been awesome. What a memory!
Jim Powell
The most beautiful plane ever.
jesse kyzer
NX45NL 1951 Chance Vought F4U-5NL
a mentor
details are at


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