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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet —



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ian mcdonell
is this an oops moment or is this a carrier simulation runway?
Looks like an "oops moment" to me. No sign of arresting gear and the nosewheel is already on the ground.
sam kuminecz
the tail hook is making the sparks, the RCAF CF-188 does this during twilight airshows
William GilsonPhoto Uploader
About 100ft in from is the MAG he took the cable as part of the show demoing how a hornet can use the MAG on shot airfields
Perfect shot!!!
Leon Kay
Good shot of an unknown aircraft. Is it a Hornet F18? In South Africa we never see these as we use Gripen and Hawk Aircraft.
Good shot ...5 stars
He's going to wear the tail hook a little thin.
Robert Wolff
I don't understand why the Canadian air force keeps the tail hooks on the CF-18's. Canada has no carriers and I've never heard of arrester landing training at any airbase.
Outstanding shot!
WHY do so many of you ASSume that the sparking tail hook is crew error?
Give 'em a break until you KNOW the whole story.
Nice pic. Great timing!


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