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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (18-8738) - The last 1/10th of a second
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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (18-8738)


The last 1/10th of a second


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Oh my god...
Eric da Silva
When and where did that happen?
Lethbridge Canada, October 2012
looks like the pilot ejected!
No history data? Gee, I wonder why!?! It is an awesome pic. Are there others, either before or after this one? Thanks for sharing!!
I have answered my own question. While there are at least 5, maybe more pictures of this accident. There is one where it is in normal flight, and may not be from the actual accident flight, but is nice to see what it was like before things went so very bad. Then there are 4 pictures showing the firing of the canopy, then one of the pilot being shot out of the cockpit in his ejection seat, then one where you can see the pilots feet on the left side of the image and the plane now free of its canopy, pilot and seat, and this one when it starts its attempt to drill to China. There may be more, but if you put the 5 in order, it is just incredible!!! Thank you to who ever did this!!!
William GilsonPhoto Uploader
@ Cal Schreckenghaust Your welcome
Ladies and gentlemen...here is how to destroy a 200 million dollar aircraft
Jim, are you sure about the timeand place?Tail painted to commemorate Navy 100. While still serving, and in 2010, I never had the chance to see this aircraft fly. Even for the international fleet review on June 12, 2010. I was lead to believe this CF-188 (Canadian F-18A) crashed at the Shearwater airshow sometime the month before.
Any info?
Anybody know how fast this jet was traveling at the time of impact?
Michael Gower
The aircraft was in slow flight, at an extreme AOA. See the youTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxMLkEYgT78
Iain Girling
And it was all going so well until this happened...........
Jesse Carroll
OKAY..is he cleared for 30 or 23 or 12? Just saying!

Okay...great shot!
It would have being amazing to post the entire accident photoes sequence. For sure whoever took the pictures have them. Fantastic anyhow. Brazil on line.
Brian Luvisi
Wow....now that's one expensive lawn dart.
Has this pilot had any training on how to fly. This crash can only be accomplished by an idiot.
Richard Beers
New landing technique? Where's a valet when you need one.
El Kabong
Correction.. this wasn't a $200M aircraft.. try closer to $60M.
I like Brian Luvisi's "lawn dart" quip the best!
Amazing shot! Right place, Right time.
incroyable moment et quelle prise de photo....
Penni Harju
One incredible photo
great shot capturing this unfortunate event.
Not long before a huge fireball.
Jesse Soltes
Great photo.
That is the most expensive game of lawn darts I've ever seen.
JIm Toth
Replace your divots!
Good Grief!!
Just on time picture!
simon Wu
Jean P.
You have to be very quick to take such a photo. Amazing job.
Canada called.. they want their money back...
The timing on this is incredible!
James Baker
Planes can't fly without a pilot (usually) that's why it's fubar lol
Mark Weiser
This is the same plane XXX738 that was in that awesome photo above with the ejection seat showing the rocket motors burning, awesome shots!
Cockpit is empty so looks like a fortunate one for the pilot.
Awesome pic. No one would stand his/her ground and take such a steady shot for fear of an explosion in the next 1/10th of a sec!
No tell tale sign of engine flames, so looks like a control problem
I wonder if the Chinese saw this coming or just thought it was another earthquake!
мгновенная потеря миллионов долларов
a mentor
don't want to be a wet blanket, but the other pics mentioned show the canopy ejection and lots of smoke at a moment just prior to this -- makes me wonder about this being photo-shopped to delete the smoke ... just wondering
William GilsonPhoto Uploader
@a mentor I took the shot NOT PHOTOSHOPPED not at all. FYI you should look up the crash report and you can see how this shot gave the team a great perspective on direction speed and crash info PhotoShopped PFFFT
Come on now, if you look closely you can see the cables and wires holding this plastic, blow-up F-18A. It's at all the airshows to include Oshkosh, Twin Rivers, Solon, Ohio.
Ariel Outeda
So I saw all of these pictures and I have a question. Was this on purpose?
Bedst pic ever
"k a b o o m ?" "Yes Rico, kaboom..." Such a great photo at the right moment, looks almost like a multi million dollar Lawn Dart! I'm glad the pilot got out okay though!
Gug Goss
it was at this moment he knew he'd screwed up.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 18-8738에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
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