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— — - Fairchild Airshow
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Fairchild Airshow


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Penso che mettere le foto senza una spiegazione sia del tutto inutile
Robin Rebhan
Wow! Great shot!
Everybody wants their picture taken with a P-51. The most respected aircraft perhaps in the world.
great timing Falcon and Mustang combo
Agreed DonFuller312. If you look closely, the pilot of the F16 is clearly admiring the P-51.
Ken Fedder
They are a beautiful pair, just lovely! Falcon pilot is watching his positioning, beautiful !!
Mason Billy
Epic picture
No where. no When, no stars. Too bad, it was a nice picture.
Jerry Yagen of Virginia Beach (VA) owns Mustang 44-63507 (N51EA). It flies as 44-63684, the serial of the original "Double Trouble Two".

from scramble magazine,..when where?
People asking where, this combo is performing at east coast USA air shows currently. I saw them may 15th in Melbourne FL. So, maybe this is as well. Who knows.
William GilsonPhoto Uploader
So I am NOT a spotter I just shoot to get great shots the where and when dont matter to me as for the Number on the aircraft ... I really dont care so those of you complaining Sorry but you can read the # on the shot
Hawk Moore
Excellent pic. Viper pilot definitely keeping eyes on P-51 for tight position. Double Trouble Two P-51 is from Military Aviation Museum in Pungo, VA near Virginia Beach. I wonder what airshow they’re flying in? Langley AFB? NAS Oceana?
jesse kyzer
Constructed as a 1944? P-51D-20-NA by North American at Inglewood, California, USA.

ALSO, https://www.aerialvisuals.ca/AirframeDossier.php?Serial=31041
Constructed as a 1944? P-51D-25-NA by North American at Inglewood, California, USA.

BOTH NAMED "Double Trouble Two".
William GilsonPhoto Uploader


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