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KAWASAKI T-4 (46-5731) - Blue Impulse:aerobatic demonstration team of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.
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KAWASAKI T-4 (46-5731)


Blue Impulse:aerobatic demonstration team of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.


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Wayne Arnold
We'll Honda builds them why not Kawasaki -all I know is I have a Kawasaki mule, a Honda motorcycle, a Yamaha boat Engine and a Suzuki 4 wheeler -and all of them have been taken well care of mostly by the factory shop's where they were purchased, and everyone of them stay broke down more than they do running -except the HONDA -if I was to buy a Japanese aircraft the only one I would trust would be the HONDA -I have a Cessna 150 I would love to be able to find a little 200 shaft hp Honda turbine for that -then I would be flying a great little airplane -as it is now -just like all the other 150s out there, it's under powered -no climb out to slow, and to low -but with that one fix -that would be a plane people would chase all over the country to own -I will donate mine to any company that would make the modifications -then fly it around to the air show's -I believe a person could make a fortune rebuilding them into something like that -could even rename it call it a super commuter w/a glass panel you could call it a a super commuter w/a computer -well that might be getting a bit crazy -but I would bet you that there would be money to make from that type of project,like they have been doing to the 152's and selling them as New And getting about 10 Times the original price,they sold for back in the 70s -oh well opportunity knocks one time -you have to be there to answer it -or it just moves to the next door -and soon or later someone will answer it, lucky them
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