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North American Super Sabre (N2011V)
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North American Super Sabre (N2011V)



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Registration number is N2011V and the aircraft code is SSAB.
Gary GuyPhoto Uploader
Anytime! Glad to help.
F-100. Last I saw this plane was in Tech School as a trainer
Had 5 squadrons of F-100 (3 regular Air Force + New Mexico and New York ANG) at Tuy Hoa AB, RVN. 1968.
I was one of the first AF Personal that arrived at Tuy Hoa AB RVN from Homestead AFB in Dec.'66. I was with the 31st TFW member of the 431 MMS.Worked in the "Bomb Dump".
Roy Hunte
Any idea why the 'bomb dump' was named dump, Robert? I have noticed it referring to 'ammo dump', 'fuel dump', etc.
Is it just Airforce Parlance or is there a reason behind the word dump?
robert eagle
This is a/an F-100F (two seater) of which the 31st TFW had several but mostly D models. (early 60s)

Bomb Dump called MSA; Munitions Storage Area in Air Force VietNam era parlance.
Never heard of a MSA or Munistions Storage Area " We either called it a "Bomb Dump" or as the Manual from Lowery AFB Denver Co. call it "Munitions Maintance and Storage Facilities.
robert eagle
I was Avionics as an Airman at HST, but sent to Lowry later along with other "overmanned field" instructors from Keesler to man supervisor slots in SEA. This may be a little off topic but I remember the flying squadrons going to TuyHoa. I was in Libya.
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