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72-0285 — - I took this photo in September 1976 shortly after being assigned to the 454th Flying Training Squadron, Mather AFB, CA.  One of 19 T-43As delivered to the USAF in 1974.  These 19 aircraft were built from 1971 to 1973 keeping the 737 line open as the type was not selling.  WN got a sweet deal on four white tails at Boeing in 1971 and the rest is history.
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72-0285 —


I took this photo in September 1976 shortly after being assigned to the 454th Flying Training Squadron, Mather AFB, CA. One of 19 T-43A's delivered to the USAF in 1974. These 19 aircraft were built from 1971 to 1973 keeping the 737 line open as the type was not selling. WN got a sweet deal on four white tails at Boeing in 1971 and the rest is history.


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Bob, did you by any chance ever know Capt. Ron Crump or Capt. Frank Caceres? When I was a kid we lived about ten miles of the end of the runway. I remember the T-29's constantly over our house.
Bob RyanPhoto Uploader
chinaninearea51, I did not know them. Only a few of the T-29 pilots transitioned to the T-43. There was a Capt. Mike Crump in the squadron. He went to Andrews AFB in 1979 with two T-43s that are transferred to the Air National Guard. Last I heard he went to work for USair.
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