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— — - French Air Force
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French Air Force


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ken kemper
Great Shot Patrick......

Awesome photo angle
serge LOTH
Louis Cinca
Superb view of this two-seater just out of Toulon-Hyères (LFTH/TLN)!
But, once again, a ludicrous registration.
Robin Rebhan
French Rafale F-4 generation twin engine jet multi role fighter. France sold/selling some to their allies. This one is French and based out of Toulon-Hyeres air base. It is designed to compete on the world market with the U.S. F-35. article at; https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/frances-new-fighter-jet-has-1-thing-common-f-35-63827
Patrick COULONPhoto Uploader
Louis Cinca : I wrote 4-FQ it's the site that corrects automatically
Patrick COULONPhoto Uploader
Rafale B - 4-FQ N° 350 -French Air Force squadron " La Fayette"
Nice shot, Patrick! You might want to try using RFAL as the aircraft type code. That is the ICAO code for a Rafale.


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