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61-2663 —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

61-2663 —



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Great shot!
Isn't this an RC-135 Joint Rivet?
Alan Brown
Looks like the W version of the "Hog". I was a crew dog on the "M" version when it was the Combat Apple over the Gulf. There have been some big changes since then but some things never change.
Terry Gaus
Paul - I think you mean Rivet Joint, and no, this is not an RJ platform.

Note the three optical windows above the rectangular array on the starboard side as well as the fact that the starboard engine nacelles are painted black and the port side ones are not. The top of the starboard wing is probably painted black as well. This bird is equipped for imaging, not SIGINT, not necessarily confined to the visible spectrum, either.

That is all I am allowed to say.
Very nice and clear thank you! 5 - stars
Thomas Smith
Oh for just one more antenna
Same beautiful ugly old girl I worked on back in the 80’s at Offutt.
I think this E-3 -A , how about you guys that worked on it , what's called ?
Radar TFFR
Very nice pic !
This is an OLD photo. None of the RC135's are painted in that scheme anymore. The photo may have been submitted 6 days ago but that photo is about 20 years old!
RC-135S Cobra Ball.
Nice photo of Cobra Ball 1 (not an RJ) as it currently looks--lots of modifications since the 80's. Distinctive from RJ by black matte painted starboard wing and black engine nacelles to keep the glare from interfering with the collection sensors.
Richard Jost
RC-135S COBRA BALL formerly stationed at Eielson AFB, AK, moved to Offutt AFB, NE in 1992. This is one of three of these aircraft. I flew this jet from 1986 thru 2006 and at one point was crewed with Hilge. Hi Hilge!!!
Richard Jost
This is a current photo; 662, 663 and 128 carry the same paint scheme to this day. Current RC-135 missions are the RIVET JOINT, COMBAT SENT and this model, COBRA BALL.
HabujetPhoto Uploader
Not an old photo at all. Taken about 5 weeks ago. Yep RC-135S Cobra Ball
If it were not for the blister on the side and upgraded engines, I would swear that was one of the Looking Glass birds I would watch flying in and out of Offutt from the hill in Wherry Housing that overlooked the flight line back as a 10 year old kid.
David Ingram
"Here's looking at you kid", literally.
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