138 투표수 (4.79 평균) 및 57,840 조회수  

ZJ700 — - Air-side image of RAF Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon FGR4 ZJ700 [cn.0034/PS002/IPA5]. Pedal-to-the-Metal short takeoff. ZJ700 with Unit QinetiQ, seen here at RAF Fairford.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

ZJ700 —


Air-side image of RAF Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon FGR4 ZJ700 [cn.0034/PS002/IPA5]. Pedal-to-the-Metal short takeoff. ZJ700 with Unit QinetiQ, seen here at RAF Fairford.


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great Shot.
Talk about a RADAR signature.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Thanks Stephen for your great shot comment.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Cheers Edward for your kind comment.....I must admit it was a lucky shot.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Thanks to everyone for looking and voting.
Kurt Anderson
Finally, a good rate for a great photo!
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Cheers deborah.....the takeoff was so short it left burn marks in the Rwy.
Nice picture!!!! Thanks
Dave Blevins
Excellent photo Martin. Thanks for the posting.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Thanks Fabian for your nice comment.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Cheers Cesar for your kind comment.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Thanks Dave for coming-by and leaving a kind comment.
Not something you see everyday… Nice.
James Irwin
Super action shot, bravo!!
Wall James
Fantastic photo. Have goosebumps looking at this picture.
Dave Metzger
Wow. All engines and armament
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Cheers PATFTF for liking the pic.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Thanks James for looking and liking.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Thanks Wall for your goosebumps comment.
Martin DightonPhoto Uploader
Dave Metzger, thanks for liking the jet.
what a great photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's an awesome shot of the Typhoon. It must of been a blast to be there. You have awesome airshows in Britain, I hope to make it back for one some day. Keep em' coming!
That's an awesome shot Martin.
Steven Hill
Blast off! Perfect photo.
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