6 투표수 (4.33 평균) 및 3,926 조회수  

N9856C — - Low Pass over Cable Airport 1/11/09  Serial #: 43-28204  Construction #:    108-35117  Civil Registration:    N9856C  Model(s):    B-25J    TB-25J    TB-25N  Name: Pacific Princess  Status: Airworthy  Last info:2002     History:   Delivered to USAAF as 43-28204, 19??.  - Stored at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ, 1958.  Blue Mountain Air Service, La Grande, OR, Sept. 18, 1958-1961.  - Registered as N9856C.  - Converted to air tanker, May 1959.  -- Fitted with 1000 gallon tank.  Idaho Aircraft Inc, Boise, ID, Mar. 1961-1962.  - Flown as tanker.  Dennis G. Smilanch, Boise, ID, May 1962-1968.  - Flown as tanker.  Filmways Inc., Hollywood, CA, 1968-1972.  - Flew in movie Catch 22, 1968-1969.  Tallmantz Aviation, Orange County, CA, Apr. 1971.  Ted Itano, Borrego Springs, CA, 1972-1984.  Ted Itano/Aero Trader, Chino, CA, 1984-2002.  - Flies as 43-28204/Pacific Princess.  - Flew off carrier USS Constelation for movie Pearl Harbor, Sept. 2000.  -- Flew in movie as 0203/Whirling Dervish.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

N9856C —


Low Pass over Cable Airport 1/11/09 Serial #: 43-28204 Construction #: 108-35117 Civil Registration: N9856C Model(s): B-25J TB-25J TB-25N Name: Pacific Princess Status: Airworthy Last info:2002 History: Delivered to USAAF as 43-28204, 19??. - Stored at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ, 1958. Blue Mountain Air Service, La Grande, OR, Sept. 18, 1958-1961. - Registered as N9856C. - Converted to air tanker, May 1959. -- Fitted with 1000 gallon tank. Idaho Aircraft Inc, Boise, ID, Mar. 1961-1962. - Flown as tanker. Dennis G. Smilanch, Boise, ID, May 1962-1968. - Flown as tanker. Filmways Inc., Hollywood, CA, 1968-1972. - Flew in movie "Catch 22", 1968-1969. Tallmantz Aviation, Orange County, CA, Apr. 1971. Ted Itano, Borrego Springs, CA, 1972-1984. Ted Itano/Aero Trader, Chino, CA, 1984-2002. - Flies as 43-28204/Pacific Princess. - Flew off carrier USS Constelation for movie Pearl Harbor, Sept. 2000. -- Flew in movie as 0203/Whirling Dervish.


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