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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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Looks like the wing tips are nodified, clipped amybe? Beautiful bird!
I zoomed this picture because at first glance I thought it was a DC3, but something was just wrong, The wings don't look right.
Zoomed it and saw your comment. Perhaps I'm not loosing at after all.
Doug Cook
What an elegant bird!
John Alford
The wingtips came with postwar DC-3S or R4D-8, the Super DC-3 upgrade.
Curtis Smith
Superb shot! THANK YOU!!!
James Fawls
What an odd logo "Donald" has.
Barry Erlich
Brings back memories of a beautiful plane.
So great to see this Queen of the Sky still flying!
DC-3S salient features:
Square wing tips, square windows, and P&W R1830 Twin-Wasp engines rated @1300+ hp.
jesse kyzer
THANK YOU! to everyone who help keep these Ol birds flying.
Wow! Just Wow!


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