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Douglas AD Skyraider (N2AD) - At Oshkosh. 1947 Douglas AD-1 Skyraider
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Douglas AD Skyraider (N2AD)


At Oshkosh. 1947 Douglas AD-1 Skyraider


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Alan Brown
Nice shot.
Dave Sheehy
Very cool shot! 5*
ppickPhoto Uploader
Thank you!
I'm not a pilot just an old lady to likes to look at planes. Can you give a function for
this Douglas Skyraider.
Close air support like the more modern A-10 Warthog.
Additionally (for Magdalen Sparaco) this plane, with it's massive engine, would carry a bomb load in excess of that of the B-17.
Larry Horton
Solid airplane. Walked out on the wing once and it felt like I was still walking on the ground. No give it that makes sense.
David Seider
Beautiful shot, as Sandy flexes her muscles.
Snake-n-nape, anyone?
She whistles as she comes to visit. Doom on You
Fantastic photo
Now that's what they call a war bird.
John Yarno
I think I read in the Stars and Stripes, that it was an AD that shot down the first Mig-21 in Vietnam. With the sun at his back when the Mig picked him up, the Mig turned and tried to run. Full afterburner and the Sidewinders screamed. Two right up the tailpipe. That's what I remember at any rate.
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1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N2AD에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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