7 투표수 (5.00 평균) 및 1,655 조회수  

BOEING 747-8 (D-ABYT) - KSFO MAR 12 2022 after clearing out of the SFO airline collectible show yesterday, I heard the Lufthansa "retro" color scheme 747-8i was departing at 3pm ish. I raced to the top floor of the parking structure the back way. and pulled into the only space facing the runways. it was very windy this day due to fog, and an 18mph headwind. QATAR A350 was in position and hold 28L, and LH retro was almost to the hold bars. I set the telephoto onto the camera did a fast scan settings and Lufthansa was pulling onto 28L.WHEW..I took 3- 4 snaps to check exposure etc and QATAR A350 was screaming over head switching to bay departure and as I stood there in the wind I was hoping for a longer roll to rotate but no....this 747-8i rotates so easy and sounds like it is on idle when is pushes up and out of the fog at SFO. This is my first time seeing this jet. luckily at SFO. posted 3/13/2022
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체



KSFO MAR 12 2022 after clearing out of the SFO airline collectible show yesterday, I heard the Lufthansa "retro" color scheme 747-8i was departing at 3pm ish. I raced to the top floor of the parking structure the back way. and pulled into the only space facing the runways. it was very windy this day due to fog, and an 18mph headwind. QATAR A350 was in position and hold 28L, and LH retro was almost to the hold bars. I set the telephoto onto the camera did a fast scan settings and Lufthansa was pulling onto 28L.WHEW..I took 3- 4 snaps to check exposure etc and QATAR A350 was screaming over head switching to bay departure and as I stood there in the wind I was hoping for a longer roll to rotate but no....this 747-8i rotates so easy and sounds like it is on idle when is pushes up and out of the fog at SFO. This is my first time seeing this jet. luckily at SFO. posted 3/13/2022


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Nice catch, Tom!
So, hey, Alien! Wassup?? No posts for (almost) two months??? What? Are you on strike or did you misplace your cameras?? ????
Gavin Hughes
Sometimes aircrews just don't understand where they're supposed to rotate for the best pic:). Joke aside, it is a problem with new jets, so much power to weight and with improved aerodynamics, even loaded, they just get off the black stuff too darn quickly for some photo locations. Great pic.
Dave Sheehy
Nice catch Tom, and enjoyed the tale of getting into position for this shot.
Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Thank you all, Gman catch up later off line....its been a bleeep!
Hey, Alien, are you going to Solano? ????
Darryl Sarno
Nice catch Tom!
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 D-ABYT에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 3월 13일 B748뉴어크 리버티 국제공항 ()프랑크푸르트 국제공항 () 19:31 EDT 07:14 CET (+1) 예정됨
2025년 3월 13일 B748프랑크푸르트 국제공항 ()뉴어크 리버티 국제공항 () 13:47 CET 16:40 EDT 항로 중
2025년 3월 12일 B748미니스토로 피스타리니 국제공항 ()프랑크푸르트 국제공항 () 18:06 -03 10:35 CET (+1) 12:29
2025년 3월 11일 B748프랑크푸르트 국제공항 ()미니스토로 피스타리니 국제공항 () 22:32 CET 07:57 -03 (+1) 13:24
2025년 3월 11일 B748도쿄 국제공항 ()프랑크푸르트 국제공항 () 13:33 JST 18:43 CET 13:09
2025년 3월 9일 B748프랑크푸르트 국제공항 ()도쿄 국제공항 () 14:27 CET 10:45 JST (+1) 12:18
2025년 3월 8일 B748미니스토로 피스타리니 국제공항 ()프랑크푸르트 국제공항 () 18:10 -03 10:40 CET (+1) 12:29
2025년 3월 7일 B748프랑크푸르트 국제공항 ()미니스토로 피스타리니 국제공항 () 22:49 CET 08:07 -03 (+1) 13:18
2025년 3월 3일 B748도쿄 국제공항 ()프랑크푸르트 국제공항 () 13:45 JST 19:00 CET 13:15
2025년 3월 2일 B748프랑크푸르트 국제공항 ()도쿄 국제공항 () 14:59 CET 11:08 JST (+1) 12:08
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