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Lockheed C-130 Hercules — - KRDD - out of G-man's town, Nevada Air National Guard C-130 "High Rollers" 2-0553 of the 152nd AW holding short for departure on Runway 34. This MAFFS 9 was working the fires near /west of Red Bluff CA from the massive lightining fire that struck California 3 weeks ago. MAFFS 1.4 and 6 were also working in/out of Redding most of the day. At about 4:30pm. most of the C-130s left, 2 going up and straight for the California coast towards Eureka CA, and 2 left to Sacramento McClellan. The MD-87 and the BAe-146 stayed and continued to launch to the Red Bluff area.
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules —


KRDD - out of G-man's town, Nevada Air National Guard C-130 "High Rollers" 2-0553 of the 152nd AW holding short for departure on Runway 34. This MAFFS 9 was working the fires near /west of Red Bluff CA from the massive lightining fire that struck California 3 weeks ago. MAFFS 1.4 and 6 were also working in/out of Redding most of the day. At about 4:30pm. most of the C-130s left, 2 going up and straight for the California coast towards Eureka CA, and 2 left to Sacramento McClellan. The MD-87 and the BAe-146 stayed and continued to launch to the Red Bluff area.


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Gavin Hughes
Sensational stuff Tom and grateful for the back story. Sure are some bad times over there with those fires and if wasn't for the virus, you'd probably have had some help from here by now.
A full "5" for the snap of MAFFS 9. Geesh, T. After last year, I'm surprised there was anything left to burn this year. But the entire state is in flames -- again. I'm on a week-long trip to the south later this month and I'm thinking all I'll see is charred land and all I'll breathe is smoke. Unimaginably terrible situations. Your pic here is ***** but I am sure you'd rather not have had to see all those firefighting aircraft. Thoughts are with everyone in the entire state.
Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Thanks Gman........have a great trip! Send photos ! LOL


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