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De Havilland Canada Twin Otter (C-FDHT) - Viking Air Limited Series 400 Twin Otter Technical Demonstrator.
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De Havilland Canada Twin Otter (C-FDHT)


Viking Air Limited Series 400 Twin Otter Technical Demonstrator.


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I just like this picture…not easy landing & taking off on water…..
Dan Little
Great photo. Looks like a wonderful time!
Wayne DAmico
After 9.5 yrs of flying DHC6-300s on Wip 13000s, The -400 has been over due. Glad to see it on the H2o
Wow!ingenuity of Man's creations.
Jim Costello
The moment of decollage....(peeling off) as the French language so eloquently puts it.
James Kelly
Such a beautiful shot, and a beautiful plane. Love the Twin Otter!
Awesome! I'm sorry that I missed the opportunity to fly Chalks. That's what I thought when I saw the blue color obscured by the overlay.

There is something so 'romantic' about taking off and landing on the water. It's hard too. Most people don't realize how hard water is.
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