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SCHWEIZER 269 (C-GZGG) - Catching some tarmac time is this 2005 Schweizer 300 CBi (269C-1) Helicraft in the Summer of 2023.
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Catching some tarmac time is this 2005 Schweizer 300 CBi (269C-1) Helicraft in the Summer of 2023.


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Donna Yost
Cool...a civilian TH-55: what a fun aircraft to fly.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader

I had no idea it was produced for the US Army as a training aircraft a long time ago. Thanks for the comment!
If that is the current product derivative of the (over 55-year-old) Hughes Model 55 then I was familiar with it in Viet Nam from about 1965 on, as the LOH-6. I was crew chief on a Bell UH-1D and remain a huge Huey bigot, so I'll keep my 'Loach' comments to myself. But I would like to point out my Battalion had five Huey Companies, two Chinook Companies, one Cobra Company, and one Light-helicopter company, half LOH-6, and half Bell H-13. We thought that a pretty good mix.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader

Thank you for the comment and that amazing info. I was on a Guided Missile Frigate from 1969 to 1972 and we had a pair of helos but don't have a clue what they were.
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