25 Votes (4.50 Average) and 12,547 Views  

Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N721KJ) - On final is this 2010 Gulfstream G550 in the Spring of 2019.
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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N721KJ)


On final is this 2010 Gulfstream G550 in the Spring of 2019.


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warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Thanks to all on 60 views so far. This is a test photo. This photo does appear on TODAYS photo's. It does not appear on my recent FA personal photos nor does it appear at the Airport Code that I tagged the photo with.
Is anyone having issues like this? Short version you can upload a photo but you can only see it on TODAYS photos.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader

You summed it up nicely. This morning I sent a mailing to them with attachment photos of the three main pages involved to show them and ask them where are all the KEYWORDS to move around the photos. They're gone! I got no response yet but sure to get one. This may be the final approach for a lot of members who post photos. Why bother posting if you only see your photo for the time it is on the TODAYS PHOTOS first page. Members.............there is a CONTACT keyword in the Blue Bar at the top of the page. Use it Members! Thanks Gary...

warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Thanks for the reply and starting a discussion topic but hopefully this little snowball will amount to something bigger and restore sanity to a photo site that was just fine and very useable. Unbelievable that you would have to go on a safari, spend your time, looking for a photo now. Not going to happen here.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader

Regardless of the issue at hand, you have just informed a whole lot of members about the way the site generates revenue. I been with them over 10 years and the thought never occurred to me. Great insight and thanks for sharing. The more knowledge the better and of course the FlightAware folks do matter and revenue is important. Seems that my Gulfstream test photo (Where ever you are) is pushing 100 views after 10 hours. Would have been nice just to have that photo more accessible but come tomorrow it might as well have flown into Space. Hoping that won't be the case.
Greg Byington
Thanks for the explanation, Gary. I noticed the change, as well, and I'm not happy about it. It really doesn't make a lot of sense. Hopefully, FA will reconsider and restore the previous scroll/sort functions. And this is a pretty nice shot for a "test" photo, warmwynds!
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
RWB: Inadvertably........why not just say that they screwed up.
Thanks for the good news. Don't think they will be doing anything over the weekend so hopefully, have some the sanity software back up and running for the members early next week. Clear Skies all............

warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Follow up message on this issue received from FA today stating that they inadvertently removed the SORT OPTIONS from the photo pages and that it should be restored soon.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Hello all and thanks for the unintended views exceeding 300 now. Has anyone noticed that if you click TODAY implying today's photos that you currently see this picture of a helo with a mountain in the background? Point being it was posted 7 hours ago and no member has posted one photo on FA since?? What a mess! Hopefully FA clears this up including returning the SORT OPTION keywords to get this back to the way it was.
C.W. Reed
Hi warmynds! Sure did notice that! Uwe Zinke says FA told him it would be fixed this week. Hoping that will happen! Meanwhile, should have some TMC BJ's in your area this week (KPNE,KPHL). For sure a 5 star G550 you shot there! Cheers from Indiana!
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Thanks, C.W. for the comment. Will be looking for the fix. Also looking for those TMC Jets.
Spent the afternoon near KPHL. BOAC, Lufthansa, Aer Lingus, Qatar, Alaska, Frontier and the locals all in the PC and hoping for clearance to FlightAware photos this week.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Thanks, C.W. for the comment. Will be looking for the fix. Also looking for those TMC Jets.
Spent the afternoon near KPHL. BOAC, Lufthansa, Aer Lingus, Qatar, Alaska, Frontier and the locals all in the PC and hoping for clearance to FlightAware photos this week.
C.W. Reed
warmynds: For sure! 445CT was at PHL today about 1230L....probably missed him. looking forward to the other pics though! Till next time!
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
I was on my spotting location around 1:30 today. All in the landing pattern.
Just clicked on TODAYS PHOTOS. The same shot of the helo with the mountain in the back is now 9 hours old. Where are the new ones being posted? Better yet, "Hidden"! Good Night CW and anyone else up at this hour.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Well, today I got another response from two of the FA associates that asked the same thing about this issue I (members) have been having with the FA photo site that is of having NO SORT OPTION KEYWORDS on your account name photo section, and NO SORT OPTION KEYWORDS for my favorite airport(s). So that is that for now and hopefully, tomorrow will bring an answer. They just don't understand to put the old software back in place. If your experiencing similar issues let them know and go to the CONTACT block for e-mail.
C.W. Reed
I'll keep after 'em myself, warmynds. BTW, 452TM was at KPHL tonight....after dark though....one of these days I'm sure you'll catch 'em! Till next time, Ciao!!
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Well, hope today FA folks straighten this out.
Observation on when I click on my Account name and bring up my first page of photos. They are terrific with nothing under a 4 rating and most of them are higher. I have a total of 48 pages posted now after 10 years. I noticed that the further back I go to view the photos gradually drop off in views/votes almost like there new software went and dug out all the great stuff and put it up front since that is the page a viewer and me would see first. Does this make any sense? Did you pick up on this?
Gary Schenauer
Rich, C.W., Viv, Alien, Cliff, Dave, Greg, rwb, and Uwe ... Now on another site. Easy to find the specific photogs you want to view. Also, multiple "repetitive sequence" shots of the same aircraft such as have become routine here and pics of a sky with a dot or a smudge in it that supposedly show an aircraft are not tolerated and are deleted without notice. To each of you above AND also to Leland S., Scot W., Ryan (at FA), John M., Darryl S., Ken K., Tim C., Colin M., Peter M., Jet4, Leon, Marylou, and so many others who have made posting here and viewing here such a great experience for the past 11 years, I say a sincere "Thank You." To my fellow amateur shutterbugs such as Savannah, Fiona, Dwight, Isaac, Mark T., Jake Y., and to the pro photogs Daniel J., Mike P., Chris I., Fabian D., Danny K., Bartolomeo, and many more ... superb pics, folks! Keep your batteries charged and your lenses clean. Here's lookin' thru the viewfinder with ya all. (Wave and a tip of my USSPS cap to all of you.) ... Gary "Olde Carl" (aka: RNOOldeCarl) "See ya"
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Gary: It appears the powers to be at FlightAware have gone another day without restoring the SORT OPTION KEYWORDS that made the photo viewing so reasonable and easy. I have e-mailed them back and forth. It's a shame they are losing you because they think they have a better way to view photos.
It may be that the better way is just for the advertisers, who knows. If they know the truth this would have stopped last week on my first inquiry. Would be nice to know the name of this site you are going to. I know it is not jetphotos. So the hobby continues just not with FlightAware. Clear Skies and photos.
Gary Schenauer
Rich ... Won't ID it here but since I've read that you are also done posting here, you may enjoy this other site. Email [email protected] . (Thumbs Up)
Also a PS ... The reply I received a couple of days ago said (in summation) that "updates" often require a bit of "acceptance" and the photo contributors would probably "adapt" to the new arrangement in a short time. Didn't sound to me like there was any intention of restoring the SORT OPTIONS. So I moved on. If the OPTIONS are restored, I'll think about picking up here again, but I have to say, this other site's policies make it quite obvious that they want good photos from serious photogs and they won't accept the pure s--t that sometimes gets "shared" here. Photo thieves get barred pronto, and there isn't any of this "STAR RATING" stuff, either, so no one can hide under an anonymous name and downgrade someone else's pics. The only stat that gets tracked is Number Of Views. And I'm A-OK with that.
Uwe Zinke
Hi from Germany!!
the new software is a shame.
have posted also to FA!
The answer to me was they want change back the sort option this week.
I've also stopped my postings and thinking over to leave FA if the don't reset this side!

I've sending a message to Gary for informations of the side where he is going!!

waiting this week for a reactin from FA.
If they don't bring the Sort Option back will Close my account here!!

greetings Uwe!!
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
UWE from Germany. Glad to hear from you in Europe. Spread the word, "KEINE SORTOPTIONEN" is not acceptable!
Andreas Stocki one of the best contributors from Austria, Angel Vee on the Island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean, to Jake Young and so many who bring their talent to the site spread the word let them know that this needs to be corrected. "SIN OPCIONES DE ORDEN" is not acceptable in any language. We need the NO SORT OPTIONS reinstalled. Please, members, this is no reflection on the Flight Tracking, other FlightAware web site material and certainly not their weekly newsletter. So hang in there all. Hopefully, this will be corrected so we don't have to flew the coop elsewhere.
Gary Schenauer
Yeeoow! (BIG grin) Was just on e/m. To all who wrote ... I will reply in the order I received them. Please be patient. TY. One note of caution. Don't burn any bridges until you have had a chance to check the other site. You might not like it. And to answer a general question from several - Yes. So far this morning, eight requests submitted and the first one has already been removed.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
FYI: I received an update this afternoon from a FA staff member today the 10th.
"Waiting for a release to get pushed to fix the Photo Sorting". So hopefully the SORT OPTIONS Will be back.........................Patience members.
Thanks for the 750 views and votes in such a short amount of time but it is under extremely unusual circumstances and that Gulfstream is nothing special but a nice average photo that happens to be the last photo I posted before all this popped up. I suppose the G5 owners may appreciate the publicity?????? I would.....
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
SORT OPTIONS ARE BACK.................and my next posting, number 2,855 will not be a Gulfstream V.
Thanks to all who made the effort to get this resolved including FlightAware.
Uwe Zinke
Hi friemds!!

Greg Byington
Hoorah! That makes me happy! And feel free to post another GLF5 shot anytime you want, warmwynds!
Andrea Gentilini
What a wonderful livery !!
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
I almost missed that Gulfstream all together. Got parked and halfway down to the spotting location when I saw it coming above some trees. Quickly got the camera out and that was the only photo I got of it. Turns out the photo was sort of a mascot for the "Sort Options" issue we had on the site last week which is now resolved. Never had so many votes, views and comments in such a short amount of time but of course, those figures are tainted but still neat to receive. Thanks for the comment as it is a nice livery for that aircraft. Clear Skies where ever you are.
C.W. Reed
@warmwynds: Glad SORT option got"sorted" out! G550's have special meaning now!
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
I hope to see that Gulfstream again one day and photograph it under different circumstances. It has had so much publicity now I noticed it surpassed any photo I have taken in the past ten years as far as Votes and certainly comments but as I have said it is a tainted photo because of that Sort Options issue. Good to have the site working again, just can't figure why postings take much longer now to appear on the monitor screen. Possibly FA screening? Anyone else notice this?
Hang in there...........
Totally sexy jet I love g650
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Thank you, Anthony. That "Sexy" comment never entered my mind when I got the photo. I do get your point though. Sure the Wright brothers never had that thought in mind on that December morning at Kill Devil Hills. It's a credit to the people who had designed aircraft in the 20th Century and into the 21st Century. May the winds always be at your back. >


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