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Lockheed F-22 Raptor (08-4164) - The vapor created by the USAF F-22 Demonstration Team from Langley AFB during their performance Friday night at Airshow London was simply amazing!
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Lockheed F-22 Raptor (08-4164)


The vapor created by the USAF F-22 Demonstration Team from Langley AFB during their performance Friday night at Airshow London was simply amazing!


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ken kemper

That is a magazine quality pic....great job
Foto espetacular
James Bunch
Outstanding!!! My tax dollars at work.
So turbulent! Great shot.
Ghost riders in the sky...
(American outlaws (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOWjX4BpC24&ab_channel=HighwaymenVEVO)
James Bunch: Pilot Proficiency.:) :) :) I used to watch Navy P-3's burn hours just before fiscal year end, you know, need that same fuel allotment the next fiscal year.
Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!
Robin Rebhan
Simply really Amazing!! To say the least!! Nice really nice photo!
David Hasse
A bit of high humidity and heavily vectored thrust makes for instant clouds on the low pressure side of a steep AOA, nice pic.
Love the photo’s in the magazine. Great job!
I saw one at the Air Show in Beaufort, SC. It is a amazing aircraft. I can only imagine what it would be like to take a ride.
WOW!!! 5* isn't enough IMHO
Roger Hayman
Very great shot, Ed!

Would you mind sharing exposure info, including ISO.

How high did you have to go?
That shot screams POWER!
Beautiful shot!! Thank you Ed.
Joe Lewis
Probably the best pic I've seen in this forum!!!
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