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Northrop T-38 Talon (6413176) - GREEDY01 passing through Toledo this afternoon (17 Jun 2022) on the way to Grand Forks Airshow this weekend. What cool colors!!!!!
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Northrop T-38 Talon (6413176)


GREEDY01 passing through Toledo this afternoon (17 Jun 2022) on the way to Grand Forks Airshow this weekend. What cool colors!!!!!


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Great Catch Ed. Nice! Thank's for sharing/posting!
Dave Sheehy
Great Shot!
Gavin Hughes
Top shot. Aggressor squadron colors aren't they? Something from my memory banks:)
Buena toma excelente ángulo
Great shot!
ken kemper
Timely and Super Photo Ed.

I hope I see this T-38 some day from Langley AFB
Mark Bullock
Worked as contract maintenance on T-38s and T-37s from '67 to '70. Specialty was egress. Even pulled the seat out of a brand new F-5 that transited our base on the way to Turkey. (One of the radios was behind the solo pilot's seat.) Lots of memories working head down in a cockpit.
Are there T-38's available for the public to buy or at get a ride ? I'm an old 38 I.P. from the early 70's.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 6413176에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
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기본 사용자 (기본 사용자가 되는 것은 무료이고 쉽습니다!) 3 months 이력 보기. 참여


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