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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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What is this?
John Winters
Allan HickmanPhoto Uploader
Jeremiah it is an E-3 AWACS taking off from RAF WADDINGTON LINCOLNSHIRE England To go on PATROL....
Great shot Allan. To be more precise it is an E3D Sentry AEW1 of 8 Sqn RAF. The refuelling probe is a dead giveaway with the US E3 Sentry's have a probe receptacle just behind the cockpit instead. In a previous like, I had great pleasure in being invited to fly on a training mission on one of these aircraft and I must say I was pretty impressed with the role this aircraft has to play in air operations.
Allan HickmanPhoto Uploader
Thanks for the full info. lordfarringdon, I only get pleasure from taking images... don't know much about aircraft EXCEPT the A.V.ROE VULCAN... I know a fair bit about that aircraft...!!!.
Graham King
Love the vorticesfrom the vortex generators on all 4 engines, but they are heading inboard - I thought they would go outboard on a swept wing aircraft
Graham, I might be wrong but I don't think they are vortex generators causing those vortices but rather lift induced vortices from the leading edge flaps. The vortices are occurring at that end of the flaps which is furthermost aft on account of the wing sweep. Since a vortex begins under the flap and sweeps up and over the top of the flap, it should appear to be rotating inboard, which indeed these are. Good detail pick Graham assisted by Allans fine study.


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