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Cessna LC-126 (N3491V) - Photo (c) Chris Kunkle
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Cessna LC-126 (N3491V)


Photo (c) Chris Kunkle


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This airplane is a post WWII Cessna 195. It is not the military LC-126 version. BTW, what is the little plane flying behind the Cessna?
Culver Cadet. I'd bet it's N34855.
What a beauty!
ken kemper

You have a winner of a photo.......
jesse kyzer
N3491V - 1948 Cessna 195 Businessliner
Donald MacomberPhoto Uploader
Thank you for the kind comments. I posted this under 'LC-126' because FlightAware doesn't seem to have a listing for '195' for uploading photos.

All credit due to the photographer, Chris Kunkle who kindly allowed me to share these photos of my plane. He certainly has a bright future as a lensman. Pictures were taken from a C185, where Chris was in a safety harness shooting from an open door. A real pro!
Donald MacomberPhoto Uploader
Paul, that is a 1946 Culver Cadet, owned by my pal Mike, who was my very first flight instructor c.1981.
Bror Monberg
Just saved to my files this beautiful closeup photo! Love the Cessna 195, a great design, always interesting.
That is one beautiful aircraft. The word "Craft" is befitting the design work that went into these old birds. Those folks back then had some great ideas when it came to sleek design that was also elegant.
OMG - an all wood Culver Cadet! Oh, and a very nice 195 - great shot
Vern Hanna
I recognized the C195 immediately. I recognized the other plane as a Culver Cadet, but have not seen it in person. I have been in that C195 twice in flight.
Wayne Brown
What is the HP in the 195. ?
Wayne Brown
What is the HP in the 195. ?
Yeah, we love the shakin' Jake. Dragging through the sky at 16GPH and under 150Kts, but lookin' goood! Hey Dad! Look No Struts!
Donald MacomberPhoto Uploader
Wayne, this model has 275 HP. The C190 has 240 and some 195s has 300 or 330 hp. A mod called the 196 has 450 hp with Pratt R985 installed
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