That is an awesome shot Christoph!
Perfect picture of a perfect aeroplane
top DC-6
Great Shot! A little mountain flying...
nice example of the DC6-B. powered 4X Pratt Whitney R2400.
4X P&W R2800
Who gets to polish this thing?! Whomever it is they do a damn good job! Very Sharp.
Very Nice Shot
The Flying Bulls. 1958? Douglas DC-6B
Power plant 4x Pratt & Whitney R 2800 CB-3. Power 2.400 HP each.
The perfect chandelle!
Flew to Vietnam in 1963 -World Airways DC-6 , Flew back on PAN AM , B707 the 3rd one produced.
Type designator is DC6.
How about a caption - what is it, where is it, who owns it, who flies it, etc, etc.
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