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Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
Dave Sheehy
jobeard, FA defaults the aircraft ID to the prototype model of the Corsair when the photographer types in CORS. The prototype was designated V-166 as designed by Vought-Sikorsky. You are correct about the model ID, but FA does not allow the photographer to be so specific.

Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
thanks Dave :-) I used the ICAO Code "CORS" ;-)
Tomer Ariav
I like to see that the Corsair and Phantom were designated F-4. Did the ordinance for the Corsair include torpedoes?
"...The ailerons were wooden, covered in plywood and fabric..."
활동 로그
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2025년 3월 11일 UnknownLinz (Blue Danube) ()Linz (Blue Danube) () 11:58 CET 12:44 CET 0:45
2025년 3월 4일 UnknownSalzburg (W. A. Mozart) ()Scharnstein, Upper Austria 근처 10:02 CET Last seen 10:12 CET 0:09
2025년 3월 3일 UnknownSalzburg (W. A. Mozart) ()Salzburg (W. A. Mozart) () 13:53 CET 14:35 CET 0:41
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