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Ilyushin Il-76 (RA-76511) - Russian heavy metal Volga-Dnepr registration RA-76511 flying as VDA3196 over maho beach for landing at St Maarten while bring in some medical supplies in support of the COVID-19 from Holland on the 3rd flight!!br /21/04/2020
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Ilyushin Il-76 (RA-76511)


Russian heavy metal Volga-Dnepr registration RA-76511 flying as VDA3196 over maho beach for landing at St Maarten while bring in some medical supplies in support of the COVID-19 from Holland on the 3rd flight!!


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Boss shot Daniel
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Beeks thanks to you and truck man hahahah!!!
Angel Vee
Dayuuuuuuuummmmm !! This is simply too kool
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Angel Vee the jet blast was great ask them!!
Gavin Hughes
For me, that's one of the best pics of an Il-76 and one of the best over Maho. Super, super shot Daniel. These and other dedicated freighters are probably the lifeline for the world at this time.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Gavin Hughes thank your very much appreciate it, yes they are the life line to date flying all over the world with medical supplies.
Tom Mitchell
Watch that hair!
Awesome shot Daniel, as always!
Perfect shot can't get any better!
No tourists. Too bad, they missed a nice one.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Tom Mitchell you shore bet they got a blast over there hahahaha.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Lynette Filipov Thanks very much i know your wishing you was on the beach at the moment.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ BIGDJB thank you!
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Mark Albrecht yup to bad they did next time!!
Isn't there a shot of a 747 landing there?

The nose kinda freaks me out. It looks like a bomber, or something.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Robert Cowling there are many shots of B747s landing here.
Its a converted cargo carrier.
Gavin Hughes
Robert...the design dates from 1967 at a time when Soviet aircraft still had, at least a theoretical bombardier's position in the nose - a hangover from the old days which took the Soviet's years to get past. Although the Il-76 was designed as a freighter from the outset it would seem the thinking still was that if trouble started it could be converted. Cold war days.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 RA-76511에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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