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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream IV (N455WG) - Girls and airplanes makes the day!
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Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream IV (N455WG)


Girls and airplanes makes the day!


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David Apps
Oh, there is a plane in the picture?
Great shot and oh awesome background.
ken kemper
Sleek and streamlined design to this classic photo...........

Looks like a scene right out of James Bond......
Check out that empennage.
George Hall
St. Maarteen ? I would bet the gorgeous creature on the beach was also at "the other" French beach on the other side of the island. "Adults Only". Been there, done that ! Made the mistake of running to the fence across the road holding on for dear life when a 727 went full throttle. Lost my sun glasses and cap. I was lucky.
a mentor
@Brian aint language just wonderful? :-)
Nice struts.
what plane ?
Jon White
The way the nose on that plane is dipping down, I am thinking that the pilot is being distracted by something on the beach.....
Did the tower notice the Gulfstream on final?
Wes Huston
Quality landing gear is so often under appreciated.
While probably not politically correct, I love the comments here. And, not that it matters, it's an interesting shot.
I always liked the shape of the tail... on the Gulfstream... cough, cough.. :-)
a mentor
I'm sure we all appreciate being OCD
Chris Croft
Missed approach...Wave Off...Bolter, how should I log this?
Brian Berger
Picture makes me wonder if the Pilot is watching the runway or the Girl?
I look at that photo and it just makes me think...high performance.
john cook
Why is her facemask on her butt?
One more item on the cheek list - er check list
Dang! I have seen some great shots from St. Maarten and really want to go to see the planes (and beach) myself someday! This photo is awesome!
serge LOTH
I love Flightaware.....
Cole Neill
my wife got carried over that guard rail and landed face down in the sand... it was a thing of beauty!

MY, MY........
Brian Elling
I can't afford anything in this image. But I sure could drive the hell out of one of them.
Toby Sharp
.....what airplane? :)
The star of this show is NOT the plane... NICE. I bet it was hard to focus on the plane. It's always nice to see 2 beautiful birds in one pic.


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