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Airbus A340-300 (F-GNII) - Air France Airbus A343 over the maho beach for landing a sight never to be seen again!!br /This airframe is now being operated by plus ultra as EC-MQM.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Airbus A340-300 (F-GNII)


Air France Airbus A343 over the maho beach for landing a sight never to be seen again!!
This airframe is now being operated by plus ultra as EC-MQM.


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Gavin Hughes
Very, very nice photo and indeed, a pity it won't be seen again.
Why won't this be seen again sorry for my Ignorance , is Air France going into receivership .
Nick Carlson
I believe Air France is retiring its A-340's
ken kemper
Love those Airbus A340 type

Super Shot Daniel
This picture is not a recent one .. Isn't it ?.. Full people on the beach..
If there were tourists on the Island this beach and all the rest are off-limits for now. Try sunsetsxm.com for a live webcam of the beach from the bar.
Mike Dryden
Withdrawn from Air France service in Feb 2017

And recent photos show a lot more sand on the beach.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Gavin Hughes thanks that is tru.
@ Steven Richardson This airframe is now being operated by plus ultra as EC-MQM.
@ Nick Carlson Seems like they did that.
@ ken kemper Thank you.
@ Baruch Klausner no its not its from the good old days.
@ warmwynds no tourist is on the island at the moment.
@ Mike Dryden thats tru take a look at my recently added photo's thanks much.
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