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Antonov An-12 (UR-CNT) - Antonov 12 Ukraine Air Alliance call sign UKL5006 registration UR-CNT departing TNCM St Maarten on 20-12-2017 crossing the big pond with lots of pollution cant done!!!
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Antonov An-12 (UR-CNT)


Antonov 12 Ukraine Air Alliance call sign UKL5006 registration UR-CNT departing TNCM St Maarten on 20-12-2017 crossing the big pond with lots of pollution cant done!!!


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Nice shot. The lighting makes it look more like a painting.
Wow. That's some blue shade! almost purple. lapis?
what shutter speed? every propeller blade is sharp - and this while running on take-off-power... or is it a landing ;)
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Paul Wisgerhof thanks much yea it was that time of the day.
@ marylou anderson yea was a nice bird to see.
@ stratrevival it was with a high shutter speed seeing it was dark day. and its taking off!
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