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T235 — - KONINKLIJKE LUCHTMACHT Royal Netherlands Air Force KDC-10 T-235 seen departing St Maarten after a short visit to the island and dropping off some reinforcements of law enforcement in the fight against Convid-19. 27/04/2020
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T235 —


KONINKLIJKE LUCHTMACHT Royal Netherlands Air Force KDC-10 T-235 seen departing St Maarten after a short visit to the island and dropping off some reinforcements of law enforcement in the fight against Convid-19. 27/04/2020


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Gavin Hughes
Stunning Daniel.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Gavin thank you!!
Excellent close up !
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Gavin Hughes thanks.
If you go to www.youtube.com and look at aviationtncm you can see my vidoes there!
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ bigkahuna400 yea it is thanks!
Gavin Hughes
Thanks Daniel. Had a look at the videos, great to see from your point of view and you're lucky to have spots where you can do them. We might have a couple of spots here but the best one by far is covered by road noise and you can't hear a plane until it's close. Sort of defeats the purpose unless you like the sound of road vehicles. Did you use a still camera rather than a dedicated video camera?
I love the lines of the DC-10/MD-11 series...
With all the doors and windows, is this particular airframe a converted passengers aircraft?
G Zorbas
Briliant photo Daniel and excellent videos too. Thanks for the YouTube link, nice to see the footage from so close.
Gavin Hughes
JRRoepke...started life as an airliner in December 1976 as PH-MBP with Martinair Holland. In February 1995, the Royal Netherlands Air Force started using it converted as a tanker/transport.
I played golf with a engineer who help design, build and fly this series. His take was the best long hauler out there and a perfect airplane for the refill jobs! Rest in Peace John O....
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