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N118UA — - Farewell to the United 747!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

N118UA —


Farewell to the United 747!


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great shot
ian mcdonell
clever timing
Nice photo
Leon Kay
Great well timed photo. 5+
Brilliant picture
Bill Swerz
Love it!
Anas Iqbal
Crazy shot, I wonder which Airport it is? Anyone knows. Does not seem like a very easy approach.
Jeff Davis
Looks like SFO?
John Freschl
Great mixture!
Never gonna happen anymore...
Brian Wood
San Francisco
Leon Artac
It's SFO. I've watched planes fly in and out of there for over 30 years!
I was in the front row window seat in the nose of a United 747 waiting for our runway on the eastern end sitting between the parallel east west runways at SFO and watched two 747’s approach landing on both runways, one in front of us and one behind us. They had full flaps and landing gear deployed. It was the most impressive sight I have had of aircraft while flying. It looked like they were going to hit us, but they were like big majestic birds.
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