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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N368FE) - Landing on RWY 12R in 40 knot crosswinds.
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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N368FE)


Landing on RWY 12R in 40 knot crosswinds.


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Jeff Comfort
Is this from Cargo Road? Awesome capture!
Yee Haa!
Jose Felipe
Wow! Hard landing
That's express right there
John McArthur
Load shift!
Where is the center wheel that's in between the main landing gear
Now, that's correct crosswind technique in action! - Some "Heavy" pilots just tend to land still holding drift and give the landing gear some serious abuse.
jack duffy
must have been an exiting ride for the pilot's!
Jesse Carroll
How many button holes where cut on this one? Great job!
Full left rudder to the bone! Great shot!
Awesome pic! Tough Landing
Jesse Carroll
Next time put air in ALL the tires!
Richard Beers
Crab landing - nice shot!
Load musta shifted? That's what i'da told the FedEx boss Man!
Wow, just wow.
Phil. Grou
pilot self control, well done!
john fusco
that why my vase broke..lol
kang liu
Greg Davis
DC-10-10 and above have center main gear.
The reason there is no signature middle landing gear is that was a feature on the later DC10 series 30 and series 40 aircraft only. N368FE is a DC-10-10F early model 10 series so will not have it. (my comment is to answer Doug Panguwiyi's question and correct Greg Davis slight misinfo). RWB2112 got it right.
Oh, my. Surprised he didn't lose a wingtip!
sam kuminecz
Fedex having a flashback to the incident in Narita?
Jim Newton
With the rudder deflection, must have been a difficult crab attempt.
You're presuming the runway, that may be the service road.
Wow! Amazing shot!
AWESOME DC10 love em back in there time they were the most advanced jet in thee era over the 747B
baldman man
wow,they must have been tricky for the pilots.
John Giles
Excellent side slip crosswind landing technique!
Perfect Timing!
Awesome landing........
Impresionante captura
paul gilpin
Evan Browne
Wow, cannot believe that the MD-10 is still around!
Is that plane about to crash
was this plane about to crash
No, Gianni. This was just a landing in a hard crosswind.
Brian Tyre
Wow! that's all I can comment..
is 40 knot a strong wind? sorry for my ignorance.
Andrew C
Looks... Fun
Caden Bell
Way to earn that flight pay.
Jim T
Fedex seems to be doing the potty dance.
with our breezy nor'westers this is what we see often at Wellington , NZ - on RWY 34 !
Just occurred to me it would be really interesting to hitch a ride on a cargo flight. Not having a couple hundred nervous passengers in back probably means you can do some things that are perfectly safe, but would alarm passengers.
Erik Davis
Now that is a crosswind landing. Right wing dipped into the wind to hold it on centerline, using opposite rudder to hold the nose down the runway! Nice job by the flight crew!
Alain Kwiat
Well done!
Tom Fox
Crosswinds are a bitch !!!
oh shit my package of drugs broke open
del lukens
That's Express Service right there.! crosswinds are a bitch.!!
Steve Scott
SLIP !!!!
Wow! Nice pic!
Ray Anderson
Code Brown!
浩然 郑
Landing gear:Oh,no,It's so crazy
Get RRR Done cowboy !
奕博 耿
Nice shot!
mc dong
Thank you for flying...RYANAIR
Raj Maskey
Awesome capture. I actually found this picture as a meme a few months ago.
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