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PJ-WCB — - Seuil de piste Gustav III à St Jean.Le temps d'un aller retour en bateau depuis St Martin-Marigot
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체



Seuil de piste Gustav III à St Jean.Le temps d'un aller retour en bateau depuis St Martin-Marigot


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ken kemper

I think my favorite photo for this week.............
michel charronPhoto Uploader
Merci Ken Kemper. Have a nice day.
John moffitt
Amazing photograph.
What an approach !
michel charronPhoto Uploader
Thank you sincerely John. Incredible spotting location.
Gavin Hughes
Fabulous photo. If you're like me, bit of a headspin when it flares!
CRAZY good photo!
Lewis Tripp
That's a 5
That's an incredible photo of a great aircraft. Those Twin Otters (made right here in Toronto!) can get in and out of almost anywhere. Terrific shot!
Curtis Smith
WHOA!!!! Incredible shot! Well done!
Diana Rose
Awesome snap,from Saint Barthelemy. Lots of short, scary airports in the B.W.I. There used to be a very hairy, short landing strip atop a mountain on St. Lucia but I think they've built a new, longer airport farther down the mtn.
serge LOTH
Super entrainement pour pilotes de brousse!!5*
White knuckle landing
Great shot
John Shearer
Did this one in a Cessna 310 awhile back. Fun but ticklish!
Nice shot. When was this taken?
michel charronPhoto Uploader
Don Ridgeway
Great photo. Have tried this several times in my flight sim, never got it right yet.
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