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— — - Sunset reflects on highly polished P-51 Mustang
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Sunset reflects on highly polished P-51 Mustang


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bob harris
thomas maurer
Beauty. I'd give my left nut for it. Or both & a kidney!
Jesse Carroll
Dam....they just don't make them like this anymore! Hope to fly one this fall in FT. Worth!

On my bucket list to fly in the Collings Foundation's dual-control restored P-51 Mustang called "Betty Jane." It will only cost $3000 for the privilege lol.
The p51; is beautiful, even after a mission!
Too bad we got into jets!
Probably the most beautiful plane ever built!
Got my vote!
Perfect lighting. Awesome!
Phil Preston
Is there really any angle from which a P-51 doesn't look terrific?
Kobe Hunte
still pretty much my favorite pic on FA!
Who's P-51 Mustang is this and is it for sale?
James Wisely
Who gave this less than 5 stars should be ashamed of themself !
Chris Croft
A photographic masterpiece.


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