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Lockheed Nighthawk (7910783) - Look... but DO NOT Touch!br /br /Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk, USAF s/n 79-10783, at the Barksdale AFB airshow in 2005. This is the FSD-4 aircraft flown by the 410th Flight Test Squadron, eventually at Edwards AFB.
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Lockheed Nighthawk (7910783)


Look... but DO NOT Touch!

Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk, USAF s/n 79-10783, at the Barksdale AFB airshow in 2005. This is the FSD-4 aircraft flown by the 410th Flight Test Squadron, eventually at Edwards AFB.


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serge LOTH
That remind me on Le Bourget 1991, the Marine Guy watching the bird hits the French minister of défense hand When he tries to touch the Beast.
That was a great moment.......of solitude...
cliff731Photo Uploader
Serge, that Marine sentry must have been quite serious about "Don't Touch"!
sam kuminecz
Reminds me of the old car show saying "a car is like another mans wife...you can look but you can't touch"
cliff731Photo Uploader
Sam, that saying and "rule" definitely applied in this case!
sam kuminecz
As we said with the AOA at hurlburt field when I was in the USAF...cross red your dead
cliff731Photo Uploader
Sam, a wise Airman would certainly heed that admonishment!
sam kuminecz
Cliff. I've seen a few maintenance guys as well as pilots on the concrete with a m4 pointed to their head...you don't have ID you don't belong...doesn't matter if your a E-1 or a full bird
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