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Northrop Spirit — - Spirit of New York flying over the 2016 Spirit of St Louis Air Show
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Northrop Spirit —


Spirit of New York flying over the 2016 Spirit of St Louis Air Show


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Something doesn't jibe here. The aircraft looks lopsided, long wings / arms on one side, short on the other. Or maybe I don't know the viewpoint. And whatever the light colored stuff on the underside is, it makes it looks like some ominous craft out of a Science Fiction thriller.
Roy Hunte
Chuck, perhaps you haven't heard of perspective and reflection, perspective is what makes the aircraft appear out of proportion, reflection is causing the 'light colored stuff' on the underside.
And yes, the B2 Spirit does look like it come from a Sci-fi movie.
James Simms
Appears to be taken from the lower left perspective.


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