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Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer (N2650A) - Will be featured at the next Oshkosh event -- whenever it is held.
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Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer (N2650A)


Will be featured at the next Oshkosh event -- whenever it is held.


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ken kemper

Neat photo with mountain in the background.

We are optimistic about Oshkosh.....EAA is planning for it.

Also locally Deke Slayton Air Show in LaCrosse with Blue angels / Milwaukee Air Show the following month in July with T Birds. Keep our fingers crossed.

Thank you for your comments on this week's photos.
Darryl Sarno
Very nice Gary! Always love the scenic mountain background of your photos. All 5!
serge LOTH
GAry , this is the livery of French Army avaiation? I didnt know we had once Tri pacers..? (L4,Birdogs, yes... but tripacers.. I m surprised.)
serge LOTH
GAry , you're right. Up to my researches, there were 24 Tripacers ordrered by the Army between 1957and 1963 . They were oprated in Africa (Dakar) (Fort LAmy) now Djamena, by the MArines troops, but flied by ALAT ( Armée de Terre)
They have been withdraw middle of seventies.
Thank You for the research serge! Very interesting, and yes somewhat surprising!

Lovely Pic as well.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Ken, Darryl, and Skylab >>> Once again, I thank each of you for your comments. Ken >>> We've got our fingers crossed too in hopes that the Air Races will be a "go." Thus far, the word is "Yes" for this year's event. i forget which team (T/Birds or B/Angels) is scheduled to appear - T/Birds, I think). Serge >>> Hi, my friend. (Smile & a wave) Doug, the owner, spent a couple of years restoring this one. He requested that I come to RTS and take pics on this day - it was the first time he had flown it after completing the full restoration. Serge, it's GORGEOUS! EAA will feature it at Oshkosh this year (if Oshkosh is held). I've never been to Oshkosh - it's on my "bucket List" but I'll probably be food for the worms first. (lol) Doug even has the guns for this. I met with him again last week and he mounted the gun so I could take pics. His was a labor of pure love, Serge. He even had an article published in which he describes the entire process he performed; I have the periodical here in my office. Serge, Thanks for adding the info and Many Thanks again for supporting my picture posts. And while I am writing .... I've made this offer - as an OPEN OFFER to any of my FA friends - every year that the NCAR has been held for the past four events. Never a taker. So this time, Ken, Darryl, & Serge, I'll make this offer to you first >>> .... Every year, I have "access" to a few passes to the NCAR. The wristband gets you free admission, free meals, free parking, free entry to the pits, free entry to the reserved chalets, and free "liquid refreshments." All day. No one has ever accepted so each year my wife and son get the passes. So if you ever decide to come to the Air Races, PLEASE let me know and I'll request an armband for you from the person I know. I can't guarantee EVERY day of the event, but two or perhaps three days. It's a super deal, guys, so please let me know if you are planning to attend and if the Races are a "go" I'll get busy. (Thumbs Up)
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