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McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N831US) - Another JUS fleetbird is shown in this pic taken two months ago. USA Jets N831US, an MD-83, is seen here flying parallel to Airway Drive while on s/final to Renos runway 34L. As with the JUS B722 that visited RNO three days ago, this old Mad Dog was also arriving from Laredo with a cargo shipment to be delivered to the Tesla gigafactory.br /In its early history, N831US was first operated by Aerocancun. It later changed owners and went to Oasis International Airlines. Still later, it was flown by Spanair before being converted to a freighter and receiving its current JUS livery.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N831US)


Another JUS fleetbird is shown in this pic taken two months ago. USA Jet's N831US, an MD-83, is seen here flying parallel to Airway Drive while on s/final to Reno's runway 34L. As with the JUS B722 that visited RNO three days ago, this old Mad Dog was also arriving from Laredo with a cargo shipment to be delivered to the Tesla gigafactory.
In its early history, N831US was first operated by Aerocancun. It later changed owners and went to Oasis International Airlines. Still later, it was flown by Spanair before being converted to a freighter and receiving its current JUS livery.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Tesla's decision to build its monstrous gigafactory here in northern Nevada has resulted in a huge increase in cargo freight airline operations. Only a couple of years ago, it was just Fed Ex and UPS serving this area. Now, both Fed Ex and UPS flights have increased (and use larger aircraft) and Kalitta Charters (DHL) and USA Jet are also landing at RNO. Plans are in the works for the airport to build new cargo facilities to expand serviceability.
Tom Vance
I quit. x5 x5 snakes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N831US에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 2월 4일 MD83Indianapolis Intl ()Willow Run () 22:00 EST 22:39 EST 0:38
2025년 2월 4일 MD83Laredo Intl ()Indianapolis Intl () 16:43 CST 20:01 EST 2:17
2025년 2월 4일 MD83Plan de Guadalupe Int'l ()Laredo Intl () 14:48 CST 15:23 CST 0:34
2025년 2월 4일 MD83Laredo Intl ()Plan de Guadalupe Int'l () 08:47 CST 09:14 CST 0:27
2025년 2월 3일 MD83Willow Run ()Laredo Intl () 15:14 EST 17:19 CST 3:05
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