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Airbus A320 (N595JB) - The Boston Celtics visit Reno! br /Over the past week, jetBlue has sent three special livery birds here. The only problem is that JBUs two flights here each day are at the worst possible times for photography: the daily Long Beach-Reno-Long Beach (KLGB-KRNO-KLGB) flight occurs during the noon hour when the sun is shining straight down and the temperatures on the airport are the hottest of the day, and the nightly KJFK-KRNO-KJFK trip arrives and departs Reno during the late evening hours. This click captured JBUs "Lucky Blue," the Boston Celtics special schemebird, as it touched down on 16R at 35 minutes past noon.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Airbus A320 (N595JB)


The Boston Celtics visit Reno!
Over the past week, jetBlue has sent three special livery birds here. The only problem is that JBU's two flights here each day are at the worst possible times for photography: the daily Long Beach-Reno-Long Beach (KLGB-KRNO-KLGB) flight occurs during the noon hour when the sun is shining straight down and the temperatures on the airport are the hottest of the day, and the nightly KJFK-KRNO-KJFK trip arrives and departs Reno during the late evening hours. This click captured JBU's "Lucky Blue," the Boston Celtics special schemebird, as it touched down on 16R at 35 minutes past noon.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
JetBlue's "Vacations" scheme was here less than a week ago, so I've scratched two of the four JBU special paints off of my "MUST CATCH" list. "Blueprint" is now #1 on that list.
Uwe Zinke
very nice shot Gary!!!
Awesome shot! What a lucky catch and quality snap!
Dave Sheehy
Outstanding shot! 5*++++
Great shot Gary and the lighting looks good.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Uwe, Greg, Isaac, Dave, and Maurice .... Hi to all, and also Thanks to each of you. Very much appreciate the comments.
Nice photo with downtown Reno as a background.
Desert Photography is always a challenge for the reasons you give--BUT
BUT--you did a nice job with this photo.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Gary & Marylou ... Thanx for the comments. Marylou, it is a challenge, and whenever possible I try to avoid having to be out there snapping pics at the most heat-intense times, but -- as is the case here -- a couple of airlines only schedule flights in and out during the middle of the day -- OR -- we get some military a/c passing thru in the midday hours, and then it is either try to adjust for the high heat and direct sun or pass up the opportunity -- and I rarely decide to pass (lol). So I very much appreciate your compliment re: this capture. (Wave)
Outstanding catch and shot, Gary!
Jodi Jones
C.W. Reed
"JetGreen"! Great shot! Thanks Gary! Cheers!
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N595JB에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
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