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Boeing B-52 Stratofortress — - An Alert Force MITO launch.br /Four B-52s (the last two seen here) and eight KC-135s (the first of the eight seen here) were involved in this launch.br /Always a sky black with smoke thanks to the water being injected into all those J57s.br /br /I've shared this photo on a private site but this is the first public access aviation site I've posted it on.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress —


An Alert Force MITO launch.
Four B-52s (the last two seen here) and eight KC-135s (the first of the eight seen here) were involved in this launch.
Always a sky black with smoke thanks to the water being injected into all those J57s.

I've shared this photo on a private site but this is the first public access aviation site I've posted it on.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The interval between each aircraft during this launch was 14 seconds. All twelve aircraft were in the air in less than 180 seconds. No matter how many times I saw it happen, I was always amazed that four BUFFs with nukes and eight fully loaded tankers could go from lined up at the runway to airborne and flying out of sight in 3 minutes. And I will never EVER forget all that black smoke.
Tom Vance
Great memories G-man...reminds me of BFI- Boeing Field Seattle 1960s from the back porch overlooking the airport....this is one cool photo calendar material! Thanks for posting 5 stars not enough!
Darryl Sarno
Love those smokey birds! Great capture Gary!


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